Monday, April 5, 2010


Is it me or is it hot in here? It was like a summer day on Saturday and it's April. I saw a snow pile as big as a motorcycle in 27 degree heat. I had to open all the windows in the apartment to cool down. Then of course today it goes back to more April like temperatures and overnight the open window made the floor feel like ice, even the cats are rushing to get off of it and up onto chairs and beds. I guess they're always running around crazily like that and they're going to have a new place to run around crazily in soon it seems.

We had a home inspection on the house we put an offer into and the place seems to have nothing wrong with it, nothing major anyway. So now we wait till June 15th and the place is ours. We've got the apartment till July 1st, the day everyone in the city moves, so we'll use those two weeks to do a few things to the new place. The main thing we want to get done in that time is some re-varnishing of wooden stairs and railings and probably some painting.

In French news I got 83% on my oral presentation but only 66% on my writing test. I thought I would do well on the writing test but there was an oral comprehension portion of it that threw me off. Then I had an oral comprehension test that I haven't got back yet but I think I did very poorly on it. Wednesday I have a grammar test and after that I'm done. I need 60% in all classes to qualify for the certificate which I will undoubtedly achieve, I am hoping for something in the 70 range actually and if I study up for this grammar test I could easily get that. After this class I'm going to switch to something else for the summer.

I've heard from three seperate sources that the government of Quebec will pay $1,000 a month to people who take French full time. It could be perfect, I need to work on my French with practice and conversation, I don't have a job, I like getting paid $1,000 anytime and I live in Quebec! Anyway once this extended government holiday is over I'll get a meeting to see if I qualify. What do you do for a living Joe? I learn French for the Nation of Quebec.

I also attended my first Camera class which was great. I missed much of it due to one of those French tests but the part I was there for was pretty interesting and all we learned was the history of cameras and how to care for your camera. Next I think we're getting into the light spectrum, it will be interesting to see how he teaches the light section of the class. Surely he's not going to get too scientific but knowing some cool stuff about light myself will make that lecture pretty interesting.

Foster cat is getting better and better, I've pet him a couple times. He doesn't climb on you or even come near people much but he sure likes Brewski. Follows him around, tries to cuddle up with him. The only time he comes near me is when he wants to chew on my toe or claw at my hand.

Last week was a write off for many things, Kate and I had the stomach flu. It was terrible having it at the same time. Kate got it about 3 hours before me so she had time to get into a routine before I became useless to her. I also didn't have it nearly as bad as Kate but Sunday night was still a night that I think we'll both remember for a long time. The nausea didn't leave me till Friday.

On that note I'm off to eat breakfast and start a productive day. Today I need to update my CV with the recent work I've done and find some post-production studios to send it to. As well as do the laundry, study, dishes and meet Kate for beer after work. The life of the unemployed is always hectic and busy.

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