I'm back from my mini-vacation and it was quite an enjoyable one. After my parents visited for a couple days and brought a bunch of new stuff, the back yard is awesome, they drove me to Mississauga where we spend the afternoon with my sister and all of her family. It was good to get to see everyone, something I don't get to do enough of. Of course we were missing Kate who is in Calgary on business but hopefully she'll be there next time. Many of my family members have not met her yet, or only met her briefly only. I'm sure they'll all congratulate me when they do.
From my sister's I went to John's where we read a million comic books, ok I read 8 only but a couple of them were big ones. On Saturday we both went to visit my friend Craig where we got a tour of his awesome house and they played Rock Band for about 6 hours, breaking for steak dinners cooked on his Big Green Egg. I took more pictures of the barbecue than anything else the whole trip I think, it's that cool. I also took pictures of his flame thrower lighter. I guess it doesn't so much throw the flame as it does provide a small blue flame for lighting charcoal but it's more fun to call it a flame thrower and he's got one of those high school science class spark lighter thingys so to me it's a flame thrower.
Sunday I took to train out to Burlington to meet Jessica, she is very tiny. I noticed her look around a couple times and I heard her grunt quite a bit and I think I heard her cry for a few minutes while we were in the car but it's hard to tell, she's a pretty quite baby so good for Chris and Jaclyn on that one! She also sleeps a lot. I mean a lot. Kate would be jealous. When she is sleeping she sleeps through loud noises too. We put this to the test by playing Rock Band, yes that's right Rock Band again. I love it. Since mine was stolen I haven't played it at all and oh how I have missed it, my beloved Rock Band. So here's Chris banging away on the drums and the clickety clack of the guitar is going at a steady pace to Down With The Sickness and Jessica doesn't even flinch, perfect. We played well into the night on Saturday, it was my civic duty to stay up as Chris was staying up to prepare for a night shift Monday night, I made it to 3:45 or so and figured I had done my good deed for the week.
I had VIA1, first class for trains, on the way home but the train left at 7 am so I only had once glass of wine. If it was an evening trip I would have cost VIA money with all the booze and food I would have consumed. You win this time VIA but next time I'll have my way with you. The food was pretty good too, breakfast food only and there was a shockingly small amount of cheese available to me (only an ounce or two melted all over my Monte Cristo).
I got my quiz back in class last night, I only got 38/50. Barely even a B. I have a much longer test tomorrow so I'm going to study for that one and bring that mark up. 76% is not what I was hoping for but in my defense I thought the quiz was Thursday not Tuesday and I was rather sick on Tuesday, enough to feel light headed and slow. The test results confirmed my illness and lack of proper brain function as I spelled s'il vous plait, syl vous plait. Who the hell is Syl? I also totally misread another two questions so on a good day I'm sure I would have got over 80% on that test and I'll do just that tomorrow. Stupid brain not working on test days. It reminds me of the time I got a concussion and ended up having headaches for 6 months and trouble concentrating. When do you think the worst time for that to happen would be? Maybe the first 6 months of your first year of University? That's when it happened to me, perfect. No wonder I also flunked politics, oh wait that was because politics was boring and the TA was unreasonable. Well then that's probably why I almost flunked Psych, oh wait that's because Psych was 6 to 9 and I had nothing to do from 3-6 except hang out in the pub where the pitchers were 8 bucks. In any case my first French mark was low because my brain was malfunctioning that day I'm sure of it.
So I have a test tomorrow and I have a bunch of computer lab homework to do before class as well. I'll have to leave early tomorrow for that, I hope my boss doesn't read this. I was going to do my lab work yesterday but the Xbox won that battle instead. I'm sure I can ask for an extension on that homework if need be, after all I have a full time job and the lab isn't open all the time.
I'm also home alone till Sunday. I'm busy today with guitar and a friend from Ottawa in town, then tomorrow is National French Day in Quebec for me but the weekend will probably be lonely. At least I have Xbox to keep my company. I also have to finish planting all our flowers and I'll probably have to buy a new basil plant to replace the one that seems to be dying, probably a lack of water while I was away. So that's an hour on Saturday. And I have no food and forget to eat when I'm alone so now I'm all hungry and I have no clean underwear. Kate's going to come home on Sunday and I'll be passed out in the back yard naked and dirty with a sun burn and two cats sleeping beside me murmuring french phrases that are poorly constructed with a horrible Anglo accent. So she's got that to look forward to, welcome home! At least I'll probably have lost a couple pounds.
So that's most of the crap I did these past few days.
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1 comment:
"Kate's going to come home on Sunday and I'll be passed out in the back yard naked and dirty with a sun burn and two cats sleeping beside me murmuring french phrases that are poorly constructed with a horrible Anglo accent."
You should have been a writer - I can picture it as clear as day. Reminds of that Atwood novel: Oryx & Crake. Can wait to peel you off the back porch :)
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