Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sick After a Busy Week

Our second cat got a little pissed at us for a few days. It seems we accidentally locked it outside for about an hour. Oops. The backyard is enclosed and we locked Brewski out by accident as well to keep her company but it didn't help. When she came back she expressed her anger with us by confining us to our rooms, a cut on Kate's leg is proof of our imprisonment. She calmed down quick enough but continued hissing at us for a couple days. Now she's back to her usual uncoordinated self.

The ordeal has seemed to have only one lasting effect, Brewski has learned how to hiss. I know kids copy people and each other but cats? I think I've heard my cat hiss once or twice and that was when someone accidentally stepped on his tail or something. Now he does it all the time. I'm not convinced he really knows what it means though. It's like a 5 year old swearing. They see that a reaction takes place but they don't really know why but of course the reaction is fun so they continually do it. At first he would hiss when I was holding him and he caught sight of the other cat, jealously or something I'm sure. But then last weekend he was in my lap and I adjusted him so I could get both my hands on my laptop and he hissed at me. WTF, I think, but he settles into his new position, I scratch him behind his ears and soon after he's purring away. Why did he hiss? Then just a couple days ago I picked him up and he hissed at me and batted at my head so I put him down. I'm thinking that maybe he's in pain or something but probably not as when I put him on the ground he rolled onto his back for a belly rub. What kind of a cat hisses and then purrs and wants a belly rub? He must not understand what hissing means. Further testament of this is when he begins playing with Jedi, he'll pounce around her wanting her to chase him, she'll hiss at him eventually but he pays it no mind, hoping around here and there all around her to get her attention. But then he hisses at her when I pick him up near her. We live with crazy cats, luckily no one has been hurt so far, except Kate, but I'm ok.

So now I'm sick, and I have class tonight. I don't really mind, I don't feel too bad, just a head cold or something. Plus when you're sick you get special treatment so sometimes it's better to be sick than healthy. Class is going fairly well, I suppose I'm learning. No tests yet and the stupid lab work is not very convenient for those of us with jobs. The only time I can do my weekly labs are Monday or Wednesday night, I work all day and have class Tuesday and Thursday and the place is closed Friday to Sunday. Stupid.

Exercise has ceased for the short term, cold weather really turns me off running. We've biked when we can but not enough and now that I'm sick swimming isn't much of an option, along with biking and running. We'll get back on track when Kate gets back from Calgary at the end of the month, she leaves this Friday. I also will be leaving for the short term, trip to Toronto and Burlington for funs. I have missed the Jays once again though.

My friend Scott was out last Wednesday and it turns out he's into farming as well. He's got some land in Kingston and has a put it together yourself greenhouse. We're planning a trip out there next month to help put it up, such fun. I could never imagine as a teen that the idea of putting out a green house would be fun. Things really do change when you get older, somethings anyway.

My last guitar lesson for the season is next week. Over the summer I'll have some homework though. I've selected a couple songs that I'm going to learn well, rather than no bits of a billion songs, which is the case now, I'm going to get really good at just a couple, to start. Kate will have to endure quite a bit of nonsense music play as I practice changing chords and by the time I've mastered the songs I've picked she'll probably be sick to death of them. All in all the lessons have been a great help to learning the basics that I can expand upon either with an instructor or on my own.

So I better go eat, what do they say, feed a cold starve a fever? In my world it's always feed whatever I have and starve whatever I don't have, so I'm off to eat leftover chicken.

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