Monday, May 4, 2009


It was quite strange being in a school again today. I had that meeting with the head of the department today. It was fairly quick although I think my cat has better math skills, I had to correct her often. No 18 and 6 does not add up to 23, it adds up to24. When I'm done 24 of my 30 credits I'll need 6 more to finish, not 3 more. I also think I taught her a couple new English words as well. But I think she was probably quite fluent in french and that's what I'm there for not English or math.

She gave me the run down on the program and what I need to do to earn it, other than pass classes. Then as she was going to print out the syllabus for me she almost opened the final exam. She said oops I don't want to show you that one, we laughed about that for an uncomfortable amount of time. Then then printed off the syllabus and once we went over that she opened up the exam for me to see. Now I'm even more confused about what we were laughing at moments before.

The exam looked difficult but not so difficult that I'm worried. I think I could probably get an F on the exam right now without any studying at all and that's only 5 letters away from an A!

I biked to and from the meeting, there is a large hill on Rue Berri. I almost gave up and walked the second half but there was already someone doing that and Kate manages the same hill everyday so I plowed through it. Then the guy who was walking his bike up the hill made a joke in french, I laughed and answered in English that at least we made it up the hill. As he was staring at the ground with a confused look upon his face the light changed so I said voila to really confuse him.

Over the weekend we stuck to our exercise plan, we biked up the mountain on Friday. It was much more relaxing coming down the mountain but Kate doesn't think it's as beneficial. I know my heart was racing as my bike made strange noises every time I hit a bump in the road or a tree root going 30kmph. Saturday we went for a swim, I ploughed through 25 min in the medium speed lanes, did 40 laps at 22m each for a total of 880m. The entire swim section of the triathlon is 1500m so I'm looking half decent in swimming out of the gate. Sunday we went for a morning run, I didn't hit my limit although Kate did but we rested often and did as much as we could.

At one point during our Sunday run we met a little cat who came running over to us from under a front porch. We were on one of our walking rests so I pet the cat and said something like "you're a cat" to the cat. Then we walked away and the cat followed and started rolling around on it's back so how am I supposed not pet his belly for a bit? So I give him the old rub down and then we decide to move along. We head off and sure enough the cat starts running beside us keeping pace for almost 100m, I was about to get worried that the cat would follow us all the way home but the natural cat laziness sunk in. For some reason most animals love me, this is the second cat to follow me around in Montreal and in France a dog followed us for a couple hours during a walk. Maybe it's only french animals cause there was a Cuban goat that did not enjoy my company at all. Goats may not be big but when they snort and put their head down and make little runs at you it can be intimidating. The last thing I need is a goat headbutting me in the groin. This particular goat didn't stay interested in me for too long, probably because he figured he couldn't run as fast as me.

So tomorrow is my first class FRAN 211, the book cost 160 bucks but it's for two classes. I guess I know which class I'm going to take next, FRAN212 it's required but at least my book for that class is paid for, unless a new edition comes out. It wouldn't surprise me if a new edition came out every year.

That's the weekend/Monday update on the crap I do.

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