I'm not only going to Ontario to get all those English jerks sick, I'm also going for fun! Then it will be back to Montreal for another lonely week as Kate is off gallivanting across Alberta. She and I both leave tomorrow in our separate directions for possibly the longest time we've ever been apart since the 30 years before we met. She only had to wait 22 years so I guess I win that one.
We have planted many flowers and herbs in our backyard garden and have more to plant. I'll probably do it with all my free time next week, who am I kidding the xbox is going to consume most of my time.
The new cat is much better, although it's not wise to go over her when she is randomly in the middle of the hall staring eerily at you. It's much safer to go around her or to just stand still till she's done staring at you and wanders off to stare at someone else. Brewski has graduated to advanced hissing and now does it in long spurts, often after noticing Jedi staring at someone. He'll still roll around on the ground looking for attention but now he has added that wonderful hissing sound. The worst part is he's going to make me completely numb to the sound so the next time I go to pet some strange cat it will probably hiss at me and I'll just keep moving my hand towards it's face until it bites a finger off. Thanks Brewski. Today he also started taking swipes at his food bowl as he was eating. As you may expect bits of food bounced out of the dish and nailed the cat in the head. Food-1 Brewski-0.
Had my first test on Tuesday. Was not prepared, thought it was Thursday. I think I did pretty well, I'll find out tonight and add a note if I remember. I know I spelled s'il vous plais syl vous plais, and I didn't know the definition of some word like oeuille and when I was asked if he is in my room I replied with I am not in my room. So hopefully I got 97% except that each of those mistakes probably cost me about 3-4% each so it's unlikely that I got 97%.
Parents came to visit, our second repeat visitor after Nikki so that bodes well for the future. With them came a set of chairs for the back yard, a book shelf that will only fit in the backyard, a tonne of Christmas stuff and an entire box of comic books, another pass time for me next week. These comics are my uncle's (Ce sont comics ont mon oncle) (did I just say my uncle is a pile of comics? I'll find out tonight in French class) and my dad claims that many of them are Wonder Woman comics so hopefully I'll find out if she can see the instruments in her invisible jet or if she had to memorize were all the buttons and knobs are.
Further updates will be posted after I've done some more crap, specifically the crap I'm going to be doing in Ontario. Is that a wicked cliff hanger or what!
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Totally a wicked hangover, I mean cliff hanger. Haha...I crack myself up sometimes. But mostly, you crack me up ;)
What, no new posts yet? Need my CrapIDo fix.
Hope the gallivanting is going well!!!! :)
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