Every once in a while a piece of the stitches will come off and get stuck somewhere in the back of my throat, that's the worst. You can feel it back there but there's nothing to be done except swallow and chug whatever I happen to be drinking. The front of my gums, the left side only thankfully because I seem to automatically eat everything on my right side, looks like a miniature war zone, or a full size flea war zone, not that fleas war, perhaps we should follow the fleas example, do they suck blood from our pets?, maybe we shouldn't follow their example. It hurts less than it did a couple days ago and I'm going to play football on Sunday regardless of what it looks like. I'll have to be wary of that side of my face and protect it, that basically means don't let the ball slip through my hands and hit me in the face.

Somehow my lips are numb on that side. I'm going to assume that the feeling will come back once things have healed up a bit and I have a follow up appointment on the 20something so I'm not worried but it's weird to have numb lips, if I say more than one or two sentences in a row I begin to sound like Sylvester Stallone.
I got Kate 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking' but Julia Child for Christmas. Turns out she really wanted it. I just wandered into the book store to get some ideas and there's this picture of Meryl Streep and I think that's the Julia Child movie we watched recently, well Kate watched and I did something else occasionally paying attention. So I'm looking through the book and I note the price so I look at some other books but none of them seemed to be half as good as the Julia Child book so I go back to it. During the second round of indecision I see that there's a section on how to cut things properly, even a diagram of how to properly hold the knife. So now the book is going to be useful for both of us, it's hard to live with a real cook and not want to learn some stuff yourself, plus I like cutting things with a knife, maybe it's a guy thing. The price still forces me to do another loop around the cooking book table at whatever store I was in. If the Child book was the only one there I wouldn't have balked at the price, maybe it's baulked?, neither word appears to be spelt wrong. There were so many to choose from but of course the most expensive one turned out to be the best one, the kicker was that the book was originally published in 1970, I figured it had to be good and worth the price. I think I was right, Kate loves it and it's a nice hard cover with little fleur de lis all over it. Of course it won't take look to have oil spilled on it and flour and bacon rubbed into the binding. I actually prefer a book that's beat up, cook books need to have things spilt on them. If you go to some one's library I'm willing to bet the best books are the ones that have the most damage done to them.
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