Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rained Out

Well the game was rained out. The good news is the other team didn't even show up so we were credited with the win. We also found out the first game that we missed was only an exhibition game, perfect. Kate was a little worried about bringing beers to the game. I understand the though but it's a softball league which I believe means we can be kicked out of the league for NOT bringing beer. I made sure we were well equipped. Since we didn't play however we didn't have a chance to drink the beer we brought, instead going to the pub to drinks whole pints, much better.

The game was at 9:30 so it wasn't too bad going to the pub instead of the game this time since we wanted to get to know the team. In the future we won't be going out late. Kate was quite grumpy this morning since we got home so late. That I wake up chipper and refreshed with the same amount of sleep only infuriates her further. Plus Jedi had a mini hissy fit which slowed us down this morning too. I'm not worried, she's still on Calgary time and I'm sure the office won't mind her being late as she readjusts, they don't need to know about softball and pints till midnight.

The team seems pretty diverse, which is great. A couple of the girls on the team live right near us too. We scored a ride home last night and may be able to get a couple more in the future, perhaps trading pregame BBQ for rides. It's obvious that some people are there to make friends, just like us, so it's a pretty cool atmosphere. Now all we need to do is start actually playing. There was also much talk of chugging beers thought the evening. In my experience the guys that do the most amount of that kind of talking tend to bow out early due to drunkenness. They all talk big and want other people to drink and drink and drink but if they match you, they're usually on the floor early. If we ever get to chugging beers I'll follow up on this note, personally I'd rather not chug too many beers for the following reasons:

1. The beer flavour is wasted

2. Some of it always spills on your face

3. There is a chance the beer could come out my nose which is painful

4. If we have pint glasses fine but I'll pass on the dirty funnel

5 Getting drunk on Monday nights isn't my favorite

So I'll probably pass on any chugging unless the game depends on it.

My test on Thursday was pretty simple. I'm sure I did fairly well but you never know with a language. You can be very confident the question was "Do you have any pets in your home?" when really it was "Are you married?" To which I would of course reply, "Yes, my cat's name is Brewski." So now the professeur thinks I'm married to a cat named after beer. Also I could have made a million spelling mistakes. I know all the accents but it's tough to know where to put them sometime, and I'm sure it will become much harder. Hopefully I'll get the result tonight.

I did manage to get all my lab work done last week. I get there at 4:00ish and start working away. It's multiple choice questions or fill in the blank and a bunch of record your own voice stuff. Around 4:45 I meet a guy from my class. I'm about half way through the preliminary chapter and I have chapter 1 still to do. I figure I've got about an hour and a half left, plenty of time to get to my class at 6:30, which would put me around 2 hours for all the work. So I ask the guy from my class how long it took him and he says 5 hours, ouch. I tell him I'm going through rather quickly and he says it gets harder. Oh oh, it's due that day, I don't have 4 more hours to finish. I keep working away and while it does get harder it's still simple stuff. I have no idea what took this guy so long. In the end I did it all in 2 hours which included a 10 min work call, a few texts to Kate and the conversation I had with the guy.

It's freakin cold here, what's with that? It's June, didn't God get the memo? It better be warm this weekend or the cats are going to have to eat the cheap food for a week. Someones gotta pay.

We were going to go away this weekend but it fell through so now we have a long weekend with nothing to do. We may try to find a place to go camping, I suggested we pitch a tent in the backyard to save money but Kate didn't like the idea very much. I argued that we could pretend the cats were wildlife and we could use the BBQ as a fire pit and we'd have a fridge to keep the beer cold but still no. I guess real camping is a good option too. Speaking of which I better go use my valuable company time to do some research on good camping spots in Quebec. Also I have to do my french homework.


Anonymous said...

Dude, 99.7% of your posts have me in stitches.

And if your ability to speed write essays in University is any indication (I remember SLAVING over a paper for WEEKS, handing it in with you and you casually mentioned that you did it ALL last night... You got an A, I got a B-), you'll ace that French lab! :)

Oh, and while your yard camping is an...um... interesting thought... I agree with Kate. Real camping = better.


DeClara said...

Thanks Kim. Kate says the same thing about the speed writing. Maybe I can find a job at some crappy daily magazine, they have a bunch of those in Toronto don't they?