Monday, November 28, 2011


I read an article in Forbes explaining how people don't understand all the hard work the one-percenters put in to getting where they are. What I have to say to that begins with this: phooey. First, here's the link to the article.

I don't completely agree with the Occupy movement, although I think it's an excellent step towards a movement that I, and probably many others, can really get behind at some point in the future. I also don't begrudge people working hard and getting rewarded for it, in fact that's what I think out society lacks.

The article mentions an artist who sells a quick sketch of a person. The customer then complains of the high price for a mere five minute's work. Yes that person isn't taking into consideration the 25 years experience the artist has. His five minutes of drawing is worth much more than my five minutes of drawing,it's true. Here's what I can do in five minutes:
But what the author of this article, John Tamny, misses is that no one is saying the one-percenters don't work hard, but we are saying that they don't necessarily work harder than everyone else. Yes Arron Rodgers avoided 'partying' for study, a common theme in the article as if not partying makes you rich, or maybe that partying prevents you from being rich, oh wait I forgot about Paris Hilton, who is rich because she partys. 

Does Mr. Tamny really think that some of the guys that worked in the Sudbury mine for thirty years are there because they didn't work hard enough? Because they wasted their youth partying? Or maybe he thinks they're all just stupid. In my opinion those guys work much harder than almost all the one-percent. They're the ones we should be thanking, not the one-percenters. And considering the job they do and the exploitation of Sudbury mine-workers over the decades, they don't get paid nearly enough.

It's this ridiculous idea that the one-percent are somehow above us that people don't like, and Mr. Tamny is only enforcing that fictitious concept. No one, believes that the one-percent should get paid minimum wages. Those of us who want change only want to see some more equality. It is simply not possible for anyone to work hard enough to deserve multiple billions of dollars, a few million, maybe, but not billions. 

Mr. Tamny, many people work hard and avoid wasting time and struggle everyday. Should they be thanking the one-percent that own the companies they work for and refuse to pay them adequately for their efforts, or should they just accept that they screwed up somewhere along the line?